With the increasing environmental pollution, China's green reform of boiler manufacturing industry has been promoted. In the country's 2018 blue sky protection campaign special inspection, coal-fired boilers are listed as the focus of inspection. During the inspection period from June 14 to July 7, 2018, the inspection team inspected 300-500 coal-fired boiler enterprises every day, covering a wide range of areas. Through the supervision of environmental protection, the replacement of small and medium-sized coal-fired boilers in China is accelerating, and the clean and efficient coal-fired boilers will be the main ones in the future.
In addition to the elimination of backward and serious environmental pollution capacity, China has also carried out a number of policies to promote the construction of boiler manufacturing and environmental transformation. According to the Plan for Clean Winter Heating in Northern China (2017-2021), clean heating will replace 74 million tons of coal-fired boilers in 2019, and 70 percent of clean heating will replace 150 million tons of loose coal in 2021. In addition, according to the opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening Ecological and Environmental Protection and Resolutely Fighting the Battle against Pollution issued in 2018, it is clearly proposed to vigorously promote the treatment of loose coal and the replacement of coal consumption by reducing coal consumption. It is required that coal-fired boilers of less than 35 steam tons per hour should be basically eliminated in key areas by 2020. Promote clean and efficient coal-fired boilers.
In educational institutions, for example, the increasing influx of students poses challenges and strains on the public infrastructure of schools. Catering, heating and other hardware conditions can not meet the daily needs of college students, of course, including the old boiler heating system; On the other hand, in the era of "coal to gas" and "oil to gas", traditional boilers and burners are limited by technology and cannot achieve energy saving and emission reduction functions. The renewal of boilers and burners in colleges and universities is imminent.